Geneviève Martin
Geneviève Martin is pursuing her doctorate in Psychology at L'Université du Québec à Montréal. She recently submitted her M.A. thesis in Sexology entitled, "Étude de l'estime de soi et de l'attribution du contrôle auprès de pédophiles qui nient ou reconnaissent leur délit." ("A study of self-esteem and locus of control among pedophiles who deny or admit their offense.") She is presently working in group intervention at Parents-Unis Lanaudière, and has conducted research at L'institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal and at the Centre d'intervention en délinquance sexuelle in Laval. Her primary research interest is the phenomenon of pedophilia, and specifically the cognitions, fantasies, intimacy issues, and defense mechanisms of the pedophile.
Genevieve Martin has contributed the following to Ballicatter:
Sexual Attraction and the True Self
(Copier's Commentary)
Bringing the hidden to light